The Chosen One.!

To be singled out from the lot can both be good and bad according to the situation for which you are chosen. But irrespective of the situation, the struggle never ends for them.We all know how much trouble our beloved Harry Potter had to face before we reached the last chapter of the series.

In the modern world, be it any academic field or a sport, the corporate  world or one’s peer group, there is no end to their struggle. In case of academics the chosen ones always have to keep working hard to retain their top spot or sometimes just to pass the grade. A chosen sportsperson has to keep up the struggle till their body has strength to play. Struggle to be a part of the team, struggle to retain  a top national position, achieve top international spot. There is no end to what you can achieve and hence you have to struggle, otherwise you’d be forgotten.

But the chosen ones I pity the most are those who are chosen in the field of life! life never gives them a break. It’ll take away everything from them that they have and then sit back and watch them trying to survive. If someone does survive then life tries to complicate their world by messing up whatever they accomplished through the course of their previous test of life.

Life might take away somebody’s parents or in a few cases take away one parent and leave the mean, indifferent one to see how one copes with it. Then they’d let them be bullied by family into doing, not what is their choice but, what is in favor of the family (irrespective of the fact that it does not help that person in any god damn way!). Then after years of putting up with such crap, if one does manage to rise up on their own, in a sudden turn of events, life takes away whatever they’d accomplished; leaving them at the mercy of that mean parent. There is no end to this viscous circle.

But what I believe is, if one wants to survive such obstacles the only helping hand is hope. never loose hope. Believe in whatever is your gut feeling or your instinct. Never let go of the faith that you have. And always remember night is darkest before the dawn and each night is followed by day.!

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