Introvert, eh? Fascinating…

When you feel blue, what would you rather do? Spit it out in front of a beloved friend or keep analyzing your problem all by yourself?

Most people, like myself, would rather keep it all bottled up inside and quietly bear the pain, But to those who can talk to others about their misery or what ever they have been troubled by, I envy the most.

Instead of those poems and declamations that we forget in a few months, what we should be taught is how to express ourselves; verbally. Anyone who can read and write can express himself in a written manner. But what about those of us who keep everything within themselves and can never muster up the courage to express out loud! We are mostly referred to as ‘introverts’ or people go as far as to calling them ‘anti-social’. But all we need is a little support from these supposed ‘extroverts’ so, like them, everyone can express themselves freely.

Why do people have to go and badger someone who does not find it comfortable to talk too much? Did anyone ever try to find out find out why somebody does talk a lot!? This sort of badgering only make them seem judgmental, and no one usually likes to be around such people. If you know you are being judged upon, you get over cautious and to the introverts this is the last straw.

In this modern society of ours, I believe, everyone is an introvert but most of them have masked themselves as extroverts just to fit in. But to those, like me, who can still not pull this ‘extrovert’ thing off, my heart-felt sympathies. But we must never give up trying or believing in yourself. One day, who knows, we might just switch sides.

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